Registration for our courses open quarterly.
Please note the date that registration for each course opens.
You can sign up to be notified for each course. Enjoy!
Class Schedule

Bate Tech is our first online course designed to take your bate to the next level. Masturbation is a great way to enrich your life as a positive force. Through videos, training, zoom meetings, writings and materials; join other guys exploring how to take their bate to the next level in mind, spirit and body; releasing shame and letting go.
Launching Soon.
Model and guide: Sam Bridle

Body image is an issue that affects both gay and straight men alike. Men of all orientations may struggle with self-acceptance and feelings of inadequacy due to societal pressures of how they should look. These feelings can lead to depression, anxiety, and even eating disorders. For this course we will hear from a diverse group of guys of all sexual orientations, sizes, ages, shapes and ethnicity about their own struggles and “wins” over the pressures of male body image. Course will conclude with group zoom group discussion.
Launching Soon.
Model and guide: TBA

Join us as we play together! This course will be mostly live Zooms where we will learn and then play. Games include: Cum Contests, Strip Poker, Technique Poker, Bating Chips, Penis Puppetry, Countdowns, Red Light Green Light, Dick Pyramid, Cum Roulette, Cum Cookie and Cock Guitar.
Launching Soon.
Model and guide: TBA

Tips, lessons and tricks to make your sex life epic!
For 12 sessions we will explore the best and new techniques for great rimming, pleasing a bottom, mutual jerking off as sex, basic rope work, milking and edging a partner plus positions, positions, positions. All lead by two professional influencers in the sex industry.
Launching Soon.
Model and guide: TBA

Bate Fetish focuses on specific niches in the bate community.
Learn more about the history and practice, and try out something new? Topics covered Smoking Weed and Stroking, Popper Bating, Cigars and Stroking, Cum Control, Orgasm Denial, Rope Work, Ass Play, Toys, Cams, Public, Porn and more! Live Zoom labs included.
Launching Soon.
Model and guide: TBA

Masturbation can enrich your life. Using ritual as a tool, you can create times of masturbation as meditation, worship, therapy, intense relaxing. Masturbation has been proven to improve your health – mind, body and spirit. In this course you will have a chance to be lead through ritual using music, bowls, beats and silence.
Launching Soon.
Model and guide: TBA